Celebrating Rokoko's 10-year anniversary

The Indie Creator Bundle

Save $1,485 and get the Smartsuit Pro II, Smartgloves and Studio Plus for just $2,245 (a saving of 40%)

See if you qualify

This promotion is valid until the end of September

What you can do with Rokoko capture tools

Plug & Play

Enjoy on-the-fly mocap shoots, right when the inspiration hits, with a sub-2-min setup time.

Set up anywhere

Our mobile wireless mocap tools allow you to perform anywhere, even outdoors.

High-fidelity capture

Access optical-grade quality capture data, without the price tag.


Enjoy advanced manipulation of mocap animation data through native retargeting.

Pose correction

Import custom characters with pose correction settings.

Editing filters

Access intuitive filters to enhance the quality of your captured animations if needed.

Native integration plugins

Send your animations in real-time to your favourite 3D software, with native integrations.

No lag or latency

Enjoy a real-time capture experience with live feedback free of lag or latency.

Export options

Export to industry compatible skeleton preset options, mesh export and more.

Get the Smartsuit Pro II, Smartgloves and Studio Plus for only $2,245

Combine the power of the Smartsuit Pro II, the Smartgloves and Rokoko Studio, and never miss a motion from your performances.

This 10-year anniversary offer is available to all eligible indie creators throughout September.

See if you qualify

This promotion is valid until the end of September

Frequently asked questions

Can't find an answer to your question? Shoot us an email at sales@rokoko.com

  • Who qualifies for the Indie Creator Bundle?

  • How long is the Indie Creator Bundle available for?

  • Where can I purchase the bundle?

“This was one of the most exciting projects in terms of motion design that we’ve ever worked on. The whole process was done in my bedroom! Mobility, instantaneity, Rokoko - boom!”
Trung Bao