Discover Rokoko mocap tools in a personal demo

A free 30 to 45 minute Zoom call to see the mocap tools in action and ask us any questions. Invite your friends and sit back!

  • Marck Degas

    3D creator

    “Best product demo experience I ever had! Luke (one of their mocap specialists) was amazing, he gave me tons of information and inspiration for my projects and pointed me in the right direction. He also showed me the real-time pipeline to Blender with the suit, the gloves and face capture, all on a Zoom call! You guys rock!”
  • Marck Hayes


    “The Rokoko product demo blew my mind! I had no idea that such advanced motion capture technology was even available at this price point, and so easy to use. I highly recommend attending one of their demos, they give tons of advice.”
  • Stanislas Kojinski

    Indie VFX artist

    “As a professional VFX artist, I’m always on the lookout for new tools to improve my workflow. The product demonstration exceeded my expectations - I was thoroughly impressed by their motion capture tools. I’m excited to implement them into my projects moving forward!”
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Why book a demo?


A peronalised in depth walkthrough of all our motion capture tools.


A chance to discuss your projects, needs and production requirements.


Exported motion files in .fbx and .bvh recorded during the demo.

No time for a personal demo? Watch Sam's Rokoko mocap walkthrough

We still recommend booking a 1:1 consultation with our experts to get personalised advice on your projects, workflows and animation pipelines